domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

Good news :)

Hi everyone!! I just found those pics of Nancy & Mila on facebook =), Mila is so cute, isn't she? she looks just like Nancy. Well, I was on facebook and suddenly I saw news about Nancy, she's pregnant again :),mabrouk Nancy!! I feel happy for her, new album and baby on the way, that's awesome.

viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

Fi hagat


domingo, 19 de septiembre de 2010

Good news!!

Marhaba everyone!! Nancy Ajram's album 7 is in stores now!! I listened the album on Nogomi and It's awesome, fresh and original as always, my favorite songs so far: Eini aliek, Fi hagat, Ok, Emta hashofak, I want it!! hope I could buy it even I am in Mexico ;). Here's the link to listen to preview enjoy it :D. Thanks for reading, feel free to comment.

Wohoooooooooooooooo, el álbum 7 de Nancy finalmente está a la venta, me encantó, se me hizo tan original y fresco, lo que me encanta de Nancy que siempre trata de evolucionar y no se queda estancada como otros artistas lo han hecho, mis canciones favoritas son Eini aliek, Fi hagat, Ok y Emta hashofak, aquí dejo el link para que escuchen el álbum ^_^, gracias por leer, saludos.

jueves, 29 de julio de 2010

Nancy's new song

Hi everybody, this is the new song of the 2010 album. I'm waiting for the new album, but I have no idea when it will be released. Yay! I'm back that's why I'm posting this, I absolutely love this song, the lyrics are so nice as always, *_*, It makes me fall in love =P, something weird happens when I listen to Nancy, I get lost in my own little world and I love it, Nancy's orchestra is the reason why I want to be violinist, hope I could do it. Thanks for reading and visiting, feel free to leave comments.

¡¡Hola a todos!! estoy de vuelta, después de estar un tiempo sin abrir mi blogspot,estoy de vacaciones pero ya falta un poco para mi regreso a clases, me gusta mucho esta canción, que es del nuevo album de este año, pero Nancy aún no lo ha lanzado. Me encanta la letra, es tan linda como otras canciones que son mis favoritas. He llegado a la conclusión que cuando escucho a Nancy me lleva muy lejos de aquí es como mi dulce adicción, me pierdo en mi propio mundo. Por ahora quiero inscribirme a unas clases de violín espero pueda ser posible, a veces tengo el tiempo muy ajustado pero bueno. Muchisimas gracias por visitar mi blog, sientanse libre de dejar cualquier comentario, hasta la próxima.

sábado, 15 de mayo de 2010

3eed Melad Nancy Ajram & Mila , Happy birthday :D

It's officially May 16th in Lebanon, today is Nancy Ajram's 27th birthday :D and her daughter Mila turns one year old. Oh my god, I think it's a special day for both of them, Nancy should be full of happiness spending Mila's first birthday.
As fans, we would like to see Mila's pictures, but Nancy said that she wants to keep her far from the media, and I understand that, it's not cool, when the media is into your private life, also Nancy has no scandals.

Well, this is my first blog in English, I decided to make it because I saw my visitors around the world, thank you so much for your visits, I really appreciate it.

I can't wait until the next Nancy's album, I'm so freaking anxious, God I'd like to see her in concert :( but, I couldn't, I'm in Mexico, hope some day all my dreams come true. Well, I'll share with you guys the new ad of Nancy, coca cola ad, about the FIFA world cup in South Africa,enjoy it, I loved it!! thanks for reading.

If you have news, any suggestions, just let me know, thanks again.

And Yeah I love so much Nancy <3 SHE'S MY IDOL